
By entering the Maincrest Media Book Award Program (“Us,” “Our,” “We”), you hereby certify that you agree to the following guidelines:

1) You certify that the information you submit is true and complete
2) You agree that you have not misrepresented yourself or provided false or misleading information with your application
3) You certify that you have the right to submit the application and the book as the author or on behalf of the author
4) We will not be held responsible for incomplete or ineligible entries
5) We do not assume any liability for any lost, damaged or stolen books or marketing materials
6) No books and/or other materials an applicant has submitted will be returned to them
7) We reserve the right to appoint all judges. The decisions of our judges once tabulated are final. We bear no responsibility for the decision of the judges.
8) The fee for 1 book is $249 USD and $89 USD for each additional category
9) We reserve the right to change the application fee at any time without express notice. Price changes will be reflected on our website.
10) All applications have a 72 hour refund period. Any refund request submitted after 72 hours will not be honored.
11) We reserve the right to change, add, or modify any or all of the prize. The prize is awarded at the sole, exclusive use of the award winner and is non-transferable.
12) By submitting an application into the Maincrest Media Book Award Program, we reserve the right to publish the following information on our website, social media pages and other publishing platforms: Author Full Name, Author Photo, Author and/or Publisher E-mail, Author Bio, Book Title, Book Cover Image, Book Synopsis, ISBN, ASIN, Publisher Name, Publication Date, Links to the Author's Website, and Links to the Author's Social Media Pages etc.
13) We retain the right to alter, change, or modify any of the guidelines
14) We reserve the right to refuse an application in our sole discretion
15) By entering this competition, you agree to be bound by these guidelines

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Maincrest Media

Maincrest Media